Monday, August 11, 2008

Saturday August 16, 8:30 training ride Schulkyll River Trail

Following a special request we'll be back at the Schulkyll River Trail. We'll meet at the parking at the corner of Stoddard Ave and Harry St. in Conshohocken, 8:30am.,+PA&sll=40.072497,-75.306752&sspn=0.003497,0.00707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.070075,-75.309241&spn=0.006995,0.014141&z=16
The bike trail is flat and traffic free right into Manayunk. Also closed for car traffic is the West River Drive, so we'll share the road only for a short part of the ride.
We may split up into two groups to meet different distance and pace preferences.
By the way: The City to Shore event is just 7 weeks away. Time to join the SAP training group get some miles under your wheels.
Kristin, Bettina, Bill, Ben and Uli went out on this beautiful day - Art Museum and back with some speed work on West River Drive and climbing the famous Manyunk Wall.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Saturday ride: 7/12, 8.30am @ the Malvern Wawa (King St.)

Chester County, hilly, ~40-50 miles, ~16-18 mph,
Possibly a second group will go for a relaxed ~20-40 miles, 14-16mph (based on attendance)