Thursday, December 17, 2009

Team SAP Winter Rides

No, we are not going into hibernation mode.
But there will only be a very limited number of organized rides until April 2010.
Feel free to join our friends of the West Chester Cycling Club. Here the list of their (open) rides.
Stay warm and fit!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

MS 150 City To Shore Review

A fantastic weekend of long lasting memories. Team SAP raised more than $30,000 for an important cause. A big 'Thank You" to all riders.
We hope you've had a blast. Please share your memories by using the 'comment' feature for this post.

Here a collection of 2009 MS-150 memories:
- Uli ripped his chain including rear derailleur on Saturday, the team waited until a bike mechanic converted his ride into a single speed (53x16) and we could continue the SAP pace line
- riding through the fog on Sunday morning, overheard a few riders saying 'let's make sure we catch the wheel of the SAP team'
- the 90 year old lady in high heels
- talking Juan into riding back instead of taking the bus
- Barbie's head strategically placed on Fran's bike
- Uli powering past everyone WITH A FLAT TIRE (his 4th one I think) so he could get ahead and change it.
- Getting over the first bridge with the lead group then remembering, oh yeah, there's a second bridge (and getting seriously dropped).
- 15 miles to Avalon in a 25mph head wind? Forgettaboutit
- Looking back at 50+ people hanging on to the SAP train on the way back.
- Being very thankful to have a great group of people to ride 8+ hours with. You all made it go by quickly and with a lot of fun.
- 3 team Tania guys thanking profusely for a 25 mile draft on the SAP Train before doing some lead work on the return trip
- No 8000 (Maybe next year? Glad my memory is still good.)
- The "SAP Train" Stalker or would that be Fatal Attraction?
- Ben WHO! (What's up with that!!!)
- Mr. Flat - Uli (4 flats in 2 days)
- Team to avoid next year - TEAM GIANT
- How long was our train at one point on the return trip?
- Total riding time for both ways???
- Frank's last minute decision to ride the return trip. Got to love peer pressure.
- The ride from OC to Avalon on Saturday was killer!!
- Rob's all-out hammer pulls (chin touching the handlebars)
- Yes, the brutal ride to Avalon after Ocean City...and after Rob bailed
- Are we stopping at this one?..."Yes I Need Food!" ... ooops! Oh well...
- John's GIANT Team stalker/hitman
- Who needs a rear derailleur...not Uli
- Peanut butter & banana sandwiches!
- Ben dropped all of us at the start - 30mph the whole way
- Frank IS the man of steel
- How badly was the Barbie soiled on Sat night, Fran? Response: "Barbie got dirty"
- Bike repair with a rock
- The fixie guys socks
- No 8000's :(
- The tandem beach cruiser with white fur seat covers
- Surfer boys barefoot with boards
- The real cyclist on a Cervelo Sun

Friday, September 25, 2009


Prepare for your MS150 Ride and the Unforgettable Weekend Oct. 3-4 !!!
Please continue to recruit riders!!!*************************************************************************************************
In an attempt to make this an enjoyable event for all Riders, we have decided to organize at PATCO, early ( 6AM), take a team photo as soon as we can, appropriately start together and ride for a few miles as we weave through the residential areas, and then evolve into three riding groups so all can ride at their regular pace and at the same time enjoy the tremendous social aspects of this MS 150 weekend. Remember THIS IS NOT A RACE - it is a great getaway on a bike, defined by you and your colleagues and friends
Although funding has been tight we learned a few things from last year and have planned an after party sponsored by our very good friends from IDS SCHEER - Thanks IDS!!!
Don’t forget the Professional Road Bike giveaway sponsored by IDS Scheer for the highest Fundraiser!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks IDS Scheer!!!!
Please let Fran ( know what pace you would like to ride and if you are starting at Patco in NJ. Please RESPOND ASAP!!!
We are planning on three major ride groups with a CAPTAIN for EACH GROUP!!

A. Fast Paced - CAPTAINS - ULI MUENCH and JOHN GILROY (congratulations!!!!)
THIS IS NOT A RACE!!, 18 - 20+ MPH (with a few sprints sponsored by our resident pro's John and Uli)
There is some real expertise among our riders (so they say) , including some members with closets full of cycling trophies(and other things...) -(Uli, John?) this group will include those who are experienced cyclists, triathletes, etc. and have trained fairly regularly through out the year on a road bike.
This group has strict requirements which include;
permission from your Parent, Spouse, Significant other or Parole Officer, a bike not to exceed 14LBS 10OZ, tight spandex, Approved Jersey, 16 OZ of fluid Max - and one snack bar).
No Back Packs, Movie Cameras or large tool kits will be permitted; this group is highly conscious of the cycling image. There will be no bulges from the Jersey pockets permitted and no cold weather gear is allowed if the temperature is above 28 degrees F. If someone from group B or C passes you at ANY time - you will be removed from this prestigious group and severely disciplined).

B. Moderate Paced - CAPTAIN - (Need a Volunteer PLEASE!!)
THIS IS NOT A RACE!!, 14-17 MPH this group of experienced cyclists, ( with the desire, and a dusty bike ) will enjoy a ride in the middle range, enjoy a coke and a burger, take a few photos, and still enjoy riding at a moderate exercise pace, but enjoyable one.
(This group will include those who CAN go fast but consciously decided not to….they are the avant garde of cycling, the aristocrats of the sport -those who can sweat, but prefer not to…. Along with a few shiny new bikes, this group will also include those with a hangover from Friday night and those who think water in their tires will make them go faster. Some members are known to carry 4 inner tubes, a tire pump, a camel back, three sandwiches and a box of cookies)

C. Leisurely Pace - CAPTAIN - (Need a Volunteer PLEASE!!!)
THIS IS NOT A RACE!!, 12-14MPH This Group will include those dedicated annual cycling warriors who have excavated their garages and rediscovered their bikes - or - those who have borrowed (or recently purchased or stole) a new bike and want to focus on the pure social and picture-taking opportunities this event offers.
(This Group is the one we all want to ride in - but we are in denial - they typically has Stereos, TV's and satellite dishes attached to their bikes and may include beer and wine on ice in their coolers - windshields and streamers have been cited - they are also know for their gourmet Lunch on the fly, warm coats and earmuffs - Note to Team Photographer - Bring a Flash - they should arrive by sundown).
(more sub groups may evolve along the ride)

We will provide an additional e-mail Next Week, which will include some tips riders have shared so you can truly make this an unforgettable Weekend!!
(please continue to recruit riders!!!)

ALSO……… are a few questions answered

1) Does Team SAP have a team start time, or is a big group meeting / leaving at a set time? I'm riding with a couple of friends ...
We assemble relatively early - some of the faster riders are thinking of the Fast prestart - which makes it too fast paced for most who are recreational riders.
Keep in mind, this is not a race, but since some are former professional cyclists, the fast pace is in their blood.
We would like to stay as close together as possible - perhaps in three groups 1 fast, 2 moderate, 3 leisurely. The three groups then could ride together and keep a high level of the social dynamic so no one is left behind or alone.
Unfortunately we have no real plan - Fran will distribute a few e-mails for early starters and designate a few captains who will carry cell phones and be available to answer questions.
We do not have a happy hour or team lunch as there was no corporate sponsorship.

2) Is Team SAP set up to have a team photo?
There will be a team photo at the Patco Start - and generally there is one at the finish - the order is dictated by MS and is based on the top teams then the teams that are basically ready for a photo.

3) Do you have any idea of how many people are planning on riding from SAP?
About 60 or so

4) I have heard about the IDS Scheer after ride party, but I don't see anything on the blog... am I missing something, or did it just not make it on there yet?
Check the blog regularly…
The party is at IDS Scheers house - 817 Pennlyn Place.

And please continue to recruit riders!!!

Weekend team rides

Last chance to train for the 2009 City to Shore ride.
We'll be meeting on Saturday 8am - Chester and Delaware Counties, hilly, ~ 3 hours.
Meeting point is Wawa on King St. in Malvern.
Or just meet us at around 8:30am in West Chester (Iron Hill Brewery).

Sunday will be another hilly ride in Chester County: 8:30am Wawa on King St. in Malvern

Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekend team rides

Just two more weeks until the 2009 City to Shore ride. So let's get ready with a couple more training rides.
We'll be meeting in Betzwood on Saturday 8am (Corporate Parking Lot, S Trooper Rd),-75.417838&sll=40.109375,-75.416293&sspn=0.008747,0.01811&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=40.109375,-75.416293&spn=0.008747,0.01811&z=16
Or just meet us at around 8:30am in Conshohocken,+PA&sll=40.072497,-75.306752&sspn=0.003497,0.00707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.070075,-75.309241&spn=0.006995,0.014141&z=16

Sunday will be a hilly ride in Chester County: 8:30am Wawa on King St. in Malvern

Friday, August 21, 2009

Weekend team ride: Schuylkill River Trail - Ride is off due to weather!

We've had a great turnout last Saturday. After some bike dusting off and pumping up tires (yes, some bikes were in the garage since last year's City to Shore ride), the group rode to Manayunk in a leisurely pace and while some turned around, seven of us made it all the way to Philly. However, a rest stop in Manayunk was necessary on the way back - beer tastes so much better with 30 miles in your legs...
Only one flat tire, luckily right at the Betwood parking lot.

Hope even more of you will join us for an 8am start on Saturday in Betzwood (Corporate Parking Lot, S Trooper Rd),-75.417838&sll=40.109375,-75.416293&sspn=0.008747,0.01811&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=40.109375,-75.416293&spn=0.008747,0.01811&z=16

Or meet us at around 8:35am in Conshohocken,+PA&sll=40.072497,-75.306752&sspn=0.003497,0.00707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.070075,-75.309241&spn=0.006995,0.014141&z=16

See you on Saturday!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Team SAP 2009 Ramp-Up: Base Camp on Saturday 8/15

With less than 8 weeks left it's time to get in shape for the 2009 City to Shore event on Oct 3 and 4!

Team SAP will host a bike clinic on Saturday 8/15 at 8:00am.
We'll meet in Betzwood (Corporate Parking Lot, S Trooper Rd),-75.417838&sll=40.109375,-75.416293&sspn=0.008747,0.01811&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=40.109375,-75.416293&spn=0.008747,0.01811&z=16
- we'll help to check your bike, help with some adjustments
- we'll discuss training strategies
- we'll go over basic safety rules and

Around 8:30am we'll start riding the Schuykill River Trail south in various pace groups:
- Beginner (Conshohocken and back ~16 miles)
- Intermediate (Manayunk and back)
- Advanced (Art Museum/City Hall/The Wall? and back)

You can also meet us at around 9:15am in Conshohocken,+PA&sll=40.072497,-75.306752&sspn=0.003497,0.00707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.070075,-75.309241&spn=0.006995,0.014141&z=16

Friday, June 26, 2009

There is no bad weather, only wimpy riders... New schedule

Dear bike enthusiasts, after a lousy spring with way too much rain, summer is here. Time to get the bike out and join the SAP ride.
Hard core riders like Mary, John, Bill and Fran did not fear the rain and John commented last weekend "at least you don't have to worry about dehydration".

We have changed our schedule to add a little more variety.
Unless posted otherwise we meet on Saturdays @ 8.00am in Malvern (King St. Wawa) with an optional 8.30am pick up in West Chester (Iron Hill). Hilly ride through scenic Chester county (~30-45 miles) - subject to change...
Sunday rides vary.

Please check 'Upcoming Events' section on the left for latest updates or simply register for text updates:

send a text to 484-686-6525 if you'd like to receive a text message notification for rides or if you'd like to be removed from the list.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Team rides Saturday and Sunday

Saturday 8.00am in Betzwood (Corporate Parking Lot), 8.40am in Conshohocken (corner of Stoddard Ave and Harry St.) Flat, recreational ride to Manayunk/Philly (~30-40 miles).
No ride in case of rain!,+PA&sll=40.072497,-75.306752&sspn=0.003497,0.00707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.070075,-75.309241&spn=0.006995,0.014141&z=16

Sunday 8.30am @ in Malvern (King St. Wawa)
Hilly ride through scenic Chester county (~30-45 miles) - Pls check 'Upcoming Events' section on the left if this ride is on.

send text to 484-686-6525 if you'd like to receive a text message notification for rides

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Team rides Saturday and Sunday!!!

Saturday 8.30am in Conshohocken (corner of Stoddard Ave and Harry St.)
Flat, recreational ride (~30-40 miles). No ride in case of rain!,+PA&sll=40.072497,-75.306752&sspn=0.003497,0.00707&ie=UTF8&ll=40.070075,-75.309241&spn=0.006995,0.014141&z=16

Sunday 8.30am in Malvern (Wawa, King Rd.)
Hilly ride through scenic Chester county (~30-45 miles)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring is here

Dear Team SAP enthusiasts!
Get your bikes out and let's go for a ride. We'll get back into our weekend ride schedule, including some mechanical tips and tricks. Watch for updates.